15 options to share with your bunny

<p>manonallard / Getty Images</p>

manonalard / Getty Images

Reviewed by Natasha Diehl

Rabbits are herbivorous animals and can safely eat fruit, but the majority of their plant diet should not be fruit. Fruits should not exceed two percent of your rabbit’s total diet. Grass hay, leafy green vegetables, and rabbit pellets should instead be the bulk of your bunny’s daily diet, and fruits should be offered only as healthy treats. Too much fruit can result in digestive issues including ileus, a life-threatening problem.

If you want to give your rabbit some fruit as a treat, offer small amounts and stick with one kind of fruit at a time. You can slowly offer more fruit as well as different kinds of fruit, but monitor your rabbit closely to see how their digestive system responds to new foods. If you notice that your rabbit starts eating less, is less active, gets watery stools, or has any other changes in behavior, stop giving the fruit and contact your veterinarian.

The following fruits are safe for rabbits as an occasional treat.


<p>Getty Images/Fernando Trabanco Photographsía</p>  Apples are safe for rabbits to eat.

Getty Images/Fernando Trabanco FotografĂ­a

Apples are safe for rabbits to eat.

A slice of apple can be offered to your rabbit as a treat. Be sure to remove all seeds and the stem before giving it to your rabbit.


<p>Getty Images/Rolleen Annie and Rowena Ho K. </p>  Rabbits love bananas.

Getty Images/Rolleen Annie and Rowena Ho K.

Rabbits love bananas.

Bananas are a favorite of many rabbits but are high in sugar, so limit them to just a slice or two and remove the peel before treating your bunny.


<p>Getty Images/Fernando Trabanco Photographsía</p>  Strawberries are a popular treat for rabbits.

Getty Images/Fernando Trabanco FotografĂ­a

Strawberries are a popular treat for rabbits.

Rabbits can enjoy many varieties of berries, including:

  • Blackberries

  • Blueberries

  • Boysenberries

  • Cranberries

  • Gooseberries

  • Loganberries

  • Mulberries

  • Raspberries

  • Strawberries


<p>Getty Images/zhaojiankang</p>  Watermelon can be a refreshing summer treat for rabbits.

Getty Images/zhaojiankang

Watermelon can be a refreshing summer treat for rabbits.

Small pieces of the following melons can be very refreshing for both you and your rabbit. Just avoid the rind and seeds.

  • Cantaloupe melon

  • Honeydew melons

  • Watermelon

<p>Getty Images/IP Galanternik DU</p>  Dried currants are a lot like raisins.

Getty Images/IP Galanternik DU

Dried currants are a lot like raisins.

Currants aren’t as commonly seen as some other fruits, but these dried berries are still a great treat for rabbits.


<p>Getty Images/duckycards</p>  Apricots are safe to give to rabbits.

Getty Images/duckycards

Apricots are safe to give to rabbits.

A smaller alternative to a peach or nectarine, apricots are tasty fruits that are also safe to give to your rabbits, sans the pit and stem.


<p>Gety Images/<a href="https://www.gettyimages.com/search/photographer?photographer=Westend61"  data-component="link"  data-source="inlineLink"  data-type="externalLink"  data-ordinal="1">Westend61</a></p>  Papaya is a unique fruit with a cluster of seeds in the center.

Getty Images/Westend61

Papaya is a unique fruit with a cluster of seeds in the center.

The fruit that surrounds these seeds is tasty and also contains beneficial digestive enzymes. Remove the black seeds and the outer skin before sharing with your rabbit.


<p>Getty Images/Antagain</p>  Kiwi fruits are fuzzy on the outside but slimy on the inside.

Getty Images/Antagain

Kiwi fruits are fuzzy on the outside but slimy on the inside.

Rabbits can safely eat the inside as well as the fuzzy exterior of this bright green fruit. The unique texture may be a favorite of your rabbit.


<p>Getty Images/<a href="https://www.gettyimages.com/search/photographer?photographer=ALEAIMAGE"  data-component="link"  data-source="inlineLink"  data-type="externalLink"  data-ordinal="1">ALEAIMAGE</a></p>  Mangoes are safe for guinea pigs to eat as treats.

Getty Images/ALEAIMAGE

Mangoes are safe for guinea pigs to eat as treats.

You can peel mangoes before giving a slice to your rabbit, but it isn’t necessary. Your rabbit will have no problem chewing through the skin to get to the sweet flesh. Just don’t let them eat the inner hard core.


<p>Getty Images/RedHelga</p>  Pears are safe to give to your rabbit as a treat.

Getty Images/RedHelga

Pears are safe to give to your rabbit as a treat.

Rabbits require diets high in fiber, and pears are some of the most fiber-rich fruits you can find. This makes them a great option for an occasional treat for your rabbit.


<p>Getty Images/FuatKose</p>  Pineapples are tart and sweet treats for guinea pigs.

Getty Images/FuatKose

Pineapples are tart and sweet treats for guinea pigs.

Pineapple contains digestive enzymes that may benefit your bunny. Simply peel and core them before sharing.


<p>Getty Images/aluxum</p>  Plums are a safe treat for guinea pigs.

Getty Images/aluxum

Plums are a safe treat for guinea pigs.

Softer than an apple but firmer than a peach, the plum might just be that in between treats your rabbit is looking for. Remove the pit before giving a slice to your bunny.


<p>Getty Images/Semih Palanci / 500px</p>  Peaches are safe for rabbits to eat.

Getty Images/Semih Palanci / 500px

Peaches are safe for rabbits to eat.

Peaches are a popular fruit with both people and rabbits. You can safely offer a slice of this fuzzy fruit either peeled or with the skin on but be sure to remove the pit.


<p>Getty Images/SerKucher</p>  Nectarines are a safe treat to give rabbits.

Getty Images/SerKucher

Nectarines are a safe treat to give rabbits.

If you prefer nectarines over peaches due to their smooth skin, rest assured that you can still share these juicy fruits with your pet rabbit. As with peaches, it is safe to give a nectarine to your rabbit with or without the skin, but the pits should always be removed.


<p>Getty Images/mikehillpics</p>  Starfruit is an exotic fruit that is safe for guinea pigs.

Getty Images/mikehillpics

Starfruit is an exotic fruit that is safe for guinea pigs.

Arguably the prettiest shape that a fruit slice naturally comes in, the star fruit is also a tasty treat you can give your rabbit. If you’re looking for an Instagram-worthy bunny treat, try the star fruit.